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Integrated preschool classrooms that serve preschool children with developmental delays as well as their typically developing peers. A limited number of tuition-based openings are available for students who do not qualify for Special Education services.
Integrated preschool classrooms that serve preschool children with developmental delays as well as their typically developing peers. A limited number of tuition-based openings are available for students who do not qualify for Special Education services.
Provides community education and creates awareness for child abuse and neglect. The outreach team hosts events, engages with schools and local community organizations, and leads educational classes.
Provides community education and creates awareness for child abuse and neglect. The outreach team hosts events, engages with schools and local community organizations, and leads educational classes.
Abuse or Neglect Survivors
A free series of classes designed to increase knowledge and skills in budgeting, credit, debt, landlord/tenant law and savings.
A free series of classes designed to increase knowledge and skills in budgeting, credit, debt, landlord/tenant law and savings.
Financial Education
Home Renters
Housing Advice
Credit Counseling
A free, early entrance kindergarten experience for children who are scheduled to enter kindergarten the following year. To be eligible, children must turn four by August 31; demonstrate academic, language, or social need; and cannot be currently enrolled in another early learning program.
A free, early entrance kindergarten experience for children who are scheduled to enter kindergarten the following year. To be eligible, children must turn four by August 31; demonstrate academic, language, or social need; and cannot be currently enrolled in another early learning program.
The WCLS Bookmobile visits Glenhaven, Birch Bay, Wickersham, and Lake Samish each week. Homebound Services staff deliver library materials to retirement homes, nursing homes, adult family homes, and assisted living facilities each month as well as to individuals who are permanently homebound.
The WCLS Bookmobile visits Glenhaven, Birch Bay, Wickersham, and Lake Samish each week. Homebound Services staff deliver library materials to retirement homes, nursing homes, adult family homes, and assisted living facilities each month as well as to individuals who are permanently homebound.
ELA classes are for students who need to improve their English skills to enroll in college, or succeed in the workplace or American culture. Classes are offered at Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels, as well as class options in the evening. Placement testing is required.
ELA classes are for students who need to improve their English skills to enroll in college, or succeed in the workplace or American culture. Classes are offered at Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced levels, as well as class options in the evening. Placement testing is required.
English as a Second Language (ESL)
A public preschool program that includes Head Start, Co-Op Preschool, and Child Find Screenings.
A public preschool program that includes Head Start, Co-Op Preschool, and Child Find Screenings.
Hands-on programs focusing on K-12, such as classroom presentations, shelter tours and service projects. Classroom topics include: compassion and kindness towards animals, dog bite prevention and safety, spay/neuter education, animal cruelty and neglect, native wildlife safety, animal identification (i.e. dog licenses/cat id tags), and safety.
Hands-on programs focusing on K-12, such as classroom presentations, shelter tours and service projects. Classroom topics include: compassion and kindness towards animals, dog bite prevention and safety, spay/neuter education, animal cruelty and neglect, native wildlife safety, animal identification (i.e. dog licenses/cat id tags), and safety.
Animal Welfare
Day Camp
Free career/job readiness workshops on topics including resumes, job finding, interviewing, and more. Call, visit site, or come in-person to learn about upcoming workshops.
Free career/job readiness workshops on topics including resumes, job finding, interviewing, and more. Call, visit site, or come in-person to learn about upcoming workshops.
Interview Training
Skills & Training
Help Find Work
Resume Development
Library-created learning resources for both parents and educators to help children become their best selves. Resources include Early Literacy Kits, Preschool Theme Kits, Baby Boxes, People of the Salish Sea Curriculum Kits, homeschooling resources, and more. Additionally, call your local branch to schedule a school visit to the library, or to request a library visit to your school.
Library-created learning resources for both parents and educators to help children become their best selves. Resources include Early Literacy Kits, Preschool Theme Kits, Baby Boxes, People of the Salish Sea Curriculum Kits, homeschooling resources, and more. Additionally, call your local branch to schedule a school visit to the library, or to request a library visit to your school.
Community Support Services
Trainings for local businesses, organizations, and service providers on domestic violence and sexual assault. These trainings are focused on a wide variety of topics, including sexual harassment in the workplace, medical provider trainings, working with victims of violence, and responding to children and teens who have experienced violence.
Trainings for local businesses, organizations, and service providers on domestic violence and sexual assault. These trainings are focused on a wide variety of topics, including sexual harassment in the workplace, medical provider trainings, working with victims of violence, and responding to children and teens who have experienced violence.
Nutrition experts work closely with Veterans to help make sure they are getting the nutrition they need to get and stay as healthy as possible.
Nutrition experts work closely with Veterans to help make sure they are getting the nutrition they need to get and stay as healthy as possible.
Armed Forces
Nutrition Education
Available for free to all families and individuals living in a county where federal or state-declared disaster has occurred. Create a personalized recovery plan, receive ongoing support and assistance completing applications for FEMA aid and submitting relevant insurance claims.
Available for free to all families and individuals living in a county where federal or state-declared disaster has occurred. Create a personalized recovery plan, receive ongoing support and assistance completing applications for FEMA aid and submitting relevant insurance claims.
Financial Education
Disaster Response
Credit Counseling
Natural Disaster Survivors
WIC is a supplemental food and nutrition/breastfeeding education program that helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well, learn about nutrition and breastfeeding, and stay healthy.
WIC is a supplemental food and nutrition/breastfeeding education program that helps pregnant women, new mothers and young children eat well, learn about nutrition and breastfeeding, and stay healthy.
Nutrition Education
Government Food Benefits
Food Benefits
Help Pay for Food
When soldiers return home it can be difficult to truly reconnect with relationships and establish themselves financially. This program is geared toward helping members of the military and veterans re-establish themselves and achieve financial stability.
When soldiers return home it can be difficult to truly reconnect with relationships and establish themselves financially. This program is geared toward helping members of the military and veterans re-establish themselves and achieve financial stability.
Financial Education
Armed Forces
Before and after school "clubhouse" programs for grades K-12 impact kids positively through academic success, good citizenship, healthy lifestyles, and athletic programs. Athletic programming varies by location.
Before and after school "clubhouse" programs for grades K-12 impact kids positively through academic success, good citizenship, healthy lifestyles, and athletic programs. Athletic programming varies by location.
Help Find Childcare
Afterschool Care
A variety of dispute resolution trainings are available, including Mediation Trainings (Professional, Family, and Parent-Teen offerings), Parent Education Trainings, Conflict Resolution Trainings, and Exploring Equity and Cultural Humility.
A variety of dispute resolution trainings are available, including Mediation Trainings (Professional, Family, and Parent-Teen offerings), Parent Education Trainings, Conflict Resolution Trainings, and Exploring Equity and Cultural Humility.
Parenting Education
Provides support and information related to prenatal and postpartum health. Services include prenatal and postpartum education groups, breastfeeding groups, transportation assistance during pregnancy, hospital tours in English and Spanish, behavioral health counseling, dental care, WIC, and chemical dependency services.
Provides support and information related to prenatal and postpartum health. Services include prenatal and postpartum education groups, breastfeeding groups, transportation assistance during pregnancy, hospital tours in English and Spanish, behavioral health counseling, dental care, WIC, and chemical dependency services.
Postnatal Care
Health Education
Maternity Care
A Debt Management Program is a structured repayment plan that helps you pay off your unsecured debts more easily. Often, it comes with the added benefits of lower interest rates and waived fees.
A Debt Management Program is a structured repayment plan that helps you pay off your unsecured debts more easily. Often, it comes with the added benefits of lower interest rates and waived fees.
Financial Education
Library-created learning resources for both parents and educators to help children become their best selves. Resources include Early Literacy Kits, Preschool Theme Kits, Baby Boxes, People of the Salish Sea Curriculum Kits, homeschooling resources, and more. Additionally, call your local branch to schedule a school visit to the library, or to request a library visit to your school.
Library-created learning resources for both parents and educators to help children become their best selves. Resources include Early Literacy Kits, Preschool Theme Kits, Baby Boxes, People of the Salish Sea Curriculum Kits, homeschooling resources, and more. Additionally, call your local branch to schedule a school visit to the library, or to request a library visit to your school.
Community Support Services
Meet with a parenting coach for 50 minutes to discuss the unique goals you have for yourself, your child, and family, along with parenting strategies, and more.
Meet with a parenting coach for 50 minutes to discuss the unique goals you have for yourself, your child, and family, along with parenting strategies, and more.
One-on-One Support
Parenting Education
Support Network
The EcSA program helps families achieve financial success by paving a path to build a meaningful career and create confidence through financial literacy. Families with children who receive SNAP benefits are eligible to enroll.
The EcSA program helps families achieve financial success by paving a path to build a meaningful career and create confidence through financial literacy. Families with children who receive SNAP benefits are eligible to enroll.
Financial Education
Benefit Recipients
Library-created learning resources for both parents and educators to help children become their best selves. Resources include Early Literacy Kits, Preschool Theme Kits, Baby Boxes, People of the Salish Sea Curriculum Kits, homeschooling resources, and more. Additionally, call your local branch to schedule a school visit to the library, or to request a library visit to your school.
Library-created learning resources for both parents and educators to help children become their best selves. Resources include Early Literacy Kits, Preschool Theme Kits, Baby Boxes, People of the Salish Sea Curriculum Kits, homeschooling resources, and more. Additionally, call your local branch to schedule a school visit to the library, or to request a library visit to your school.
Community Support Services
College and training pathway mentors who help understand school and financial aid applications.
College and training pathway mentors who help understand school and financial aid applications.
Financial Aid & Loans
Navigating the System
More Education
Help Fill out Forms
Help Find School
Help Pay for School
With no cost for families that qualify, Opportunity Council offers preschool services throughout Whatcom County for children between the ages of 3 and 5.
With no cost for families that qualify, Opportunity Council offers preschool services throughout Whatcom County for children between the ages of 3 and 5.
Head Start